Here you will find various Frequently asked questions.

We have Instruction manuals here for all of our Sabers

  • Legacy Support for older Sabers
    • Pulse Menu
    • Non-Pulse Menu
  • Current Saber Manuals
    • V1 Menu
    • V2 Menu

We have some videos we have prepared on saber use. 

What colours are available in the Infinity Colour System? 

How tough are the Combat Rated blades? 

How do I install my new blade in the handset?

How do I connect my All Rounder blades into a saberstaff? 

How do I connect the sabers to make a saber staff v2? 

How do I change the battery on an Obi Wan? 

How do I recharge the battery on a Councillor? 

Here are some Frequetly Asked Questions and How to solve them

1) My Saber won't turn on when I press the power button. What do I do?

    The saber is either out of power or is in deep sleep mode.  To awake from sleep,  press and hold the buttkn for 10 seconds or until you hear a song play on the saber. To charge a saber that isnout of power,  plug in the USB charger.  NOTE: DO NOT USE A FAST CHARGER.  FAST CHARGERS BOOT OUT 9V POWER,  BUT THE SABERS ARE ONLY RATED FOR 5V.  USE A STANDARD USB CHARGER. 

2) How do I change the COLOUR of my saber?

    With the saber switched on,  hold the powdr button for 2 seconds or 2 flashes then release. If you have a slightly older model,  press and hold the power button to cycle all the colours. Once the right colour is achieved, release the button. A newer model will begin cycling the colours without the need to press and hold the power button.  Once the right colous is achieved,  press the button one more time to accept it. 

3) How do I change the VOLUME of my Sabers sound? 

    With the Saber out of sleep mode, but the blade not on,  hold the power button depressed for one second or one flash,  then release.  The volume will cycle between loud,  soft and off. 

4) I accidentally cut off my hand in a duel with Light Sabers! What should I do?
